Web Apps built at CAW will follow the Semantic Versioning System. The version numbers will be of the format X.Y.Z.BUILD_NUMBER

  1. X or the Major Version is incremented when a new major feature is released, or an existing feature undergoes a complete overhaul. The developer manually increments it. On day 1, when you start building an app, set this number to 1. It stays as 1 when v1 is released to production.
  2. Y, or the Minor Version, is incremented when new medium-sized features are released or existing features are enhanced. The developer manually increments this number. On day 1, when you start building an app, set this number to 0. It stays at 0 when v1 is released to production.
  3. Y, or the Patch Number, is incremented when a release with just bug fixes is released to production. The developer manually increments this number. On day 1, when you start building an app, set this number to 0. It stays at 0 when v1 is released to production.
  4. BUILD_NUMBER will be automatically set to the last build number in the CICD system. More about this in the CICD section. Set it to 0 on day 1