What is SE10?

SE10 stands for “Ship Every 10” weekdays. It is our software development process to continuously test and measure product quality. The final goal is to have a potentially shippable release bi-weekly that includes everything that was completed in the last 10 week days. This means that every work unit that is completed is certified from a quality perspective. However, it does not mean that the release can be GA'ed (General Availability) given that just some of the capabilities of a feature may have been completed during the week.

Also, SE10 does not ensure achieving release dates. Each iteration includes what has been completed, but items that are not ready will not be in there. And a GA release may need to wait for some specific ticket fixes or complete capabilities in a feature.


The purpose of the Ship Every 10 (SE10) process is to assure that:

The management of patch releases also falls under the SE10 process.

Phase Activities and Timelines

The process involves the following actors

  1. PM - Product manager
  2. TPM - Technical Product Manager/Architect
  3. DEV - Development team
  4. QA - Quality Analysts.

SE10 Sprint Schedule

Sprints are two weeks long i.e. 10 working days